Friday, September 14, 2012

Pictures of our week...We are LOVING Uganda.

First off we are so excited because we received our 2 year work visa for Uganda. Wonder how long we will be here? Only God knows, but we are loving all the opportunities to make a difference here. We are working towards FARMING!!! We can't wait until we get Field of Dreams up and running on it's own. We should be able to produce enough food for our teams and the hungry orphans we are feeding. Of course we are at the beginning stages, but before you know it, we will have some food to show for our hard work.

Here are a few pictures from our week:

 Helping out at a farm this week!

Getting the trenches ready for the seeds
Pulling weeds to prepare the area for planting
Our friends rabbit farm...hoping to do this soon at Field of Dreams!
Our work crew who helped out at the farm
Saw these kids on their way home while out in the village. Aren't they cute!

One of our team members took this picture. I love the colors of the clothes and flowers.
Be thankful for your washer and dryer!
I love the color of our roads!

Doing a home visit. This is Matia (the little boy in the center). He is lame from malaria, but thankfully we are working to get him some help. This day we were able to bring him a mosquito net, clothing, bedding and vinyl mattress cover.

Pappa Mike with Alex. This little boy used to be all frowns, but now he is full of joy! He is a little guy for being 6 years old. We just put him and his sister into a wonderful school. They are flourishing because of the Show Mercy sponsors.

The muslim girls walking home from school. They were right in front of our car as we were leaving our house.

Another great picture by one of our team members. This is our village road.

Our welcoming committee! Every day when you drive in the village
these children faithfully yell hello to you. So cute.

Monday, September 10, 2012

What Does the Presence of God Look Like?

I went to a ladies Bible study yesterday. It isn't as you imagine. It was on the dirt floor of a mudbrick church. I sat on a primitive wooden bench with no back support. One of the ladies invited me to join them so I did. I arrived a little late. Once inside and seated, I followed along as they read from Jeremiah 32 in their local language. There were about 7 ladies present. Each one took a turn to read a verse. It was obvious some struggle to read, but they encouraged each other and assisted those who were challenged. I know a few local Luganda words, so I could check to make sure I was on the correct passage.

Afterwards they asked for a scripture that stood out and ministered to their hearts. 3 different ladies shared special passages. One was - nothing is too hard for God, another - God rewards each one for their works, and I can't remember the last one. I was so touched as they shared why these verses touched their hearts. These women work so hard; not only physically, but emotionally as well. There is so much suffering, sickness and pain living all around them. To keep your chin up and keep pressing through for something better is such a challenge. 

They are going through the Bible in a year, so they continue reading different chapters at home with their families through the week. They shared with me how they are so very busy, but they felt they needed to set aside a time as women to come together. This was that time. As I pondered what keeps them busy and all they must do just to survive, I was challenged and inspired.

At the very end, they asked if I would close in prayer. Just as they didn’t interpret their Bible reading into English, my prayer wasn’t translated. We formed a circle and held each one’s hand. The young lady next to me was one who struggled with reading. I was told she had just given birth to triplets and lost two of them during the birth. My heart ached for her, but what an honor to stand with her and pray together.

As I opened my mouth and began to pray, I could feel the presence of God come into this little mud church. For some reading this you may not understand what I mean. The presence of God for me can sometimes feel like an overwhelming goodness inside me and all around me. It’s a peace, joy and relief that your heart has been longing for. This is what I felt. As I continued to pray the young lady next to me fell to her knees. Tears began to pour from my eyes as I pressed through to thank God for these precious women. 

As I finished my prayer, one of the ladies commented that when I first began to pray, she could feel the presence of God. (My friend was with me and was so gracious to interpret parts of the evening for me) What an amazing gift and way to leave the women’s group. 

One of my favorite songs, I Will Exalt You, says it best:
Your Presence is all I need
It’s all I want, all I seek
Without it, without it there’s no meaning
Your Presence is the air I breathe
The song I sing, the love I need
Without it, without it I’m not living
