Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Salley Family is Moving to UGANDA

We are excited to announce we are moving over to Uganda for a season. We hope to keep this blog updated with our experiences along the way. We don't move over until June 2012, but the journey starts now (really it started for us about 9 years ago!).

Here is a post I wrote a while ago. It describes exactly where we are today! Enjoy the story and remember...All Things are Possible!

(As I pondered Mary, Jesus' Mother, this is what I wrote...)

There was a story of a young girl I read the other day.  She seemed to be a simple everyday and ordinary girl.  Her wildest dreams were to marry, have children and care for her family. Seems pretty simple to me compared to some dreams girls have these days, but that was as big as the world let her dream. Her world and her culture basically outlined on paper exactly what a woman could do and not do. To dream any further than that was insanity!

This young girl had planned it all out. There was a traditional way of getting married in her little town and she daydreamed of every detail! But, one day, her dream was challenged. A messenger came to share with her a bigger dream. He shared with her something she had never fact something no one would have ever imagined. Sure, sometimes we can day dream and imagine ourselves fitting into the shoes of someone else and living out their life, but not this girl. This dream was something above and beyond what she could EVER think or imagine.

After she heard the plan, she was shocked and unsure what to say. As she began to ponder this dream in her mind, she realized she was up for something bigger than the everyday way of dreaming. The fact was this messenger was from God.  He was sharing the great and wonderful plan God had in mind for her.  It was like creativity stepped into the room and everything seemed to become possible. At that moment, she had a choice. She could remain a dreamer or take a risk and become a pursuer of dreams.

Obviously, when she accepted the proposed plan, she didn’t even take a moment to look in the mirror.  If she would have, she would have realized that she was just a plain simple everyday ordinary girl.  No one even really knew who she was, but she did. We all know ourselves better than we want to sometimes.  Others can say they know us, but I’m not talking about just recognizing us when we walk down the street, but really knowing our deepest parts

Thank goodness for this girl, she didn’t really have time to ponder upon who she was (for too long anyway), but rather was in awe that this extraordinary plan was coming from – God and He was offering it to her. She didn’t take into account either that those around her might think it too strange to pursue this dream, because what if she failed, what if the entire idea wasn’t even something that could be achieved.

Could it be she believed God and what He said more than the plan itself? She was so honored to be asked to play this special part in history, she didn’t even inquire about details or timelines.  She didn’t ask for the 5 or 10 year plan! She said yes with all of her heart and so the journey began!

Her messenger friend also shared with her about her cousin who had been contending and believing for a dream. She too had just received her answer. The messenger must have known when this young girl saw it was indeed true that her cousin had gotten a life changing breakthrough, she would know the truth - dreams can and do come true. Not only that, but when this young girl saw her older cousin actually pursue and endure the road towards a dream and succeed, she would have a stamp on her heart – a stamp of validity which states, with God all things are possible.

Do you know who I am talking about? Remember Mary, the mother of Jesus? This is how I envision her in my mind when challenged with such a huge life changing plan.  Of course, I am not Mary, but her story inspires me to step past myself. To step past what this world says is possible and grasp ahold of what God says is possible. This is story describes how I felt when God began to ask me to look past myself and believe the dreams he began dropping in my heart.

Not only did He ask that I believe in the dreams, but that I actually put my little feet into action. His heart was for us to take a journey to see these beautiful dreams come true.

Thus, I write this post to encourage you, that you can take a leap.  You can believe the dreams that God puts inside of you. He doesn’t always allow us to see the path set before us, but I can assure you just as Elizabeth (Mary's cousin) was a sign to Mary that when God speaks and inspires you to live life on purpose, you can be sure amazing things will happen. I hope our posts are your Elizabeth…a reminder that if God can do it for one he can do it for another.

Living on Purpose,

Lori Salley