Thursday, April 12, 2012

67 Days Until LIFT OFF!

Wow…67 days until lift off! Here is a brief update of what life has been like at the Salley house these past few weeks as we prepare for our departure to Uganda.

We have been busy getting things organized at the SMI office, so we can be away. A new staff member named Julie started at the end of March. She is wonderful and the right one to run our stateside office while we are working overseas for this next season. It takes more time and brainpower to train someone and think of how to communicate all those things you keep in your head. BUT I know it will pay off soon!

When we first found out we were moving to Uganda, we had several things that needed to be set into place. First was our house – we wanted to find someone we knew to stay and maintain it while we are gone. Second was SMI stateside office – we needed a qualified trustworthy team member to help run things from the USA. We shouldn’t be, but we are shocked at how quickly God set things into place. We have a great family who will be staying in our house while we are away and as I mentioned earlier, we have just the right friend to help run SMI stateside.

Things are coming together and we are thankful! There is still so much to do to prepare for our move. We are so thankful for those of you who are taking this journey with us through prayer. We know we can’t do this alone!!!!

Here are a few more things we have coming up. Please join us in prayer for strength, favor, ability, etc. etc. 

  • SMI fundraising banquet coming up (once this is done, we will be able to breathe again :)) 
  •  Figuring out homeschool curriculum and how to get the books to Uganda
  • Internet while in Uganda – since we are out in the village, it is hard to get a suitable connection speed to reach us
  • Packing just the right things for Uganda in just the right number of bags 
  • Packing up and storing our household items 
  • Keeping our strength as we continue to run SMI and prepare to move 
  • Peace as we enjoy our last days here in the USA
Thanks for caring and praying for us. Let us hear from you. It’s always encouraging to know who is praying.

Much Love,
The Salley family