Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Almost 5 Months in Uganda

Wow. It’s been too long since we last gave an update! Our last team left a little over a week ago and it was amazing. Our friends Chris and Stefanie Overstreet, from Bethel Church in Redding California, brought together people from all over the world. 

Stefanie, Chris, Mike and Lori
This team was so inspiring, because for the most part, this team came with a common purpose – partner together with Show Mercy to further the vision God has given us – revealing that LOVE NEVER FAILS. 

We were so honored to host this amazing team!
Katelin at the crusade. Notice the children's choir behind her performing!
Sarah is so good with the children

Precious lady at the veggie market. This is where I buy some of our food.

When we first met the team, you would have thought everyone was friends for years and years, but the truth was that most of them had just met in Uganda. The love they showed to one another, to SMI and to the villages we are living in was extraordinary.  (even our Uganda staff made mention of their practical love!)

We saw God heal many people in the villages, on the streets of Kampala as well as during the crusade we held for 3 days (and we will be posting some testimonies of this marvelous time), but honestly for me what I experienced and saw through this group of people touched me to the core…it was the love they brought and revealed...even before they stepped outside of the SMI base.

Mike sharing some of the vision of Show Mercy at the crusade.
You sometimes wonder where all the people are that truly love sacrificially. I know they are out there, because I know some of you :) But sometimes it just seems people are building up a life for themselves only. Where are those who are willing to serve beyond receiving something for themselves? You would expect this from people who have lived on this earth for a while (even that seems to be a rarity at times though).

This trip reminded me that “Love Never Fails” isn’t just a grand thought or a scripture in the Bible, but rather a truth. The Gospel message is making an impact in this world and this last team proved it. (If you know us, we are passionate about the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the POWER of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.)  It was as though I was reading a newspaper article of how the sacrificial love, power and purpose of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection plays out in a person’s life. There is hope and something amazing and extraordinary arising from the hearts of people. An awakening is taking place and no longer are people satisfied with following the dictates of society or pursuing only what feels good for a moment. Long term pioneers are arising and taking their place. This next generation is pursuing what counts!

I saw young men with a love for their savior like never before. What did it look like you might ask? Humility with authority, servant hearts full of joy, preferring others before yourself because you want to, believing with God all things are possible – not because it makes you look good, but because that is who you are. You’re that way because Jesus has transformed your life. Not in a religious way but in a practical way. 

Even though for us personally it was very hard work and sometimes tiring to the point of exhaustion, it was so worth it. We have been seeing over the past year a gradual increase of breakthrough with the people in our villages. We are coming to a tipping point! It isn’t just this two week trip that has caused this, but rather everyone working together...those who have been praying, giving money/resources and pouring out their hearts of love. This includes our Ugandan friends as well. They are some of the most persistent people we know.

We are also noticing a common thread for those who come for 2 weeks or for internships and longer – the Father is awakening hearts to love, hope, life and living on purpose…all of the things God spoke to our hearts over 6 years ago. When you see a vision in your heart and then begin to see it with your natural eyes, you can’t help but press onward and upward.

We still have our 6 interns and 2 full time staff. They are such a joy to have here and they are part of our extended family. They are serving every day in the villages and helping us to continue pioneering and dreaming with God. We don’t even want to think of what FOD will be like when their internships are complete, but I guess that is part of life. We are excited though, because there are many others who are currently applying for internships as well as some thinking more long term.

Our amazing interns and staff here at FOD (plus Sarah Salley)
Celebrating a Birthday
In about a week we will celebrate Mike’s 44th birthday. For some you could say, wow that is old, but for us, we are choosing to celebrate life, knowing that with time and persistence you get to see and reflect on a life lived with purpose. Time is a gift and you only get it one day, one minute, one second at a time. There isn’t any redos, but rather new opportunities to do it better. 

I haven’t really shared too much of our day to day. It is so different every day really and we feel we are running full throttle (probably more mentally than physically). We have come to realize after our 5 months of being here, if we are going to serve with strength and give our all, we need to create a home here, not just a ministry base. That is our task in these next few months (for us personally that is. SMI stuff will still be happening.) That means, painting our rooms colors we love, planting flowers that will greet us each and every day, putting up curtains for beauty and privacy as well as creating an area to watch our favorite African sunsets.

You can read about what we are dreaming with God for SMI on the SMI website. (Actually we are so far behind on updating the website, not sure when it will get typed up and uploaded). Basically, we know we are to buy the 8-10 acres next door to Field of Dreams and begin planning and developing the site for a primary school. Here is what Mike posted on his personal facebook last week. I think it describes it pretty well:

“I think it is time for Show Mercy to purchase another 10 acres next to the Field of Dreams and build THE BEST kingdom centered, high standard, purpose driven and destiny imparting Christian primary school in all of Uganda. If our goal is to transform a generation in Uganda, we need to impact the kids with hope, love and purpose from an early age during their formative years. Who spends more time with the kids than teachers?? I see future leaders of Uganda being told every day how much they matter and how much they can accomplish with their focus on Jesus and his incredible purpose for their lives. It seems to be a great long term strategy that will produce the greatest amount of fruit.”

Here are some miscellaneous pictures of our last month! Enjoy :)

Lori, Sarah L., Katelin, Ali, and Sarah

A little time of R&R in Jinja

Katelin is a kid magnetic...they love her hair!

We love our times in Jinja (where the source of the Nile River is located)

Mike praying for a girl at the crusade

This young man accepted Jesus. Excited to see what God does in his life.

The beautiful Salley girls headed to our "Say No to Hunger" feeding

Mike and I took our Ugandan Ladies out for a nice meal. They worked so hard while the team was here.

Thanks again for your love and support. We hope to post a few more testimonies of all God is doing here in Uganda soon.


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