Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Scaredy Cats and Big Girl Panties

I am packing up and heading over to Uganda. It's always so bitter sweet!

First the sweet....I get to travel to one of my favorite places ever - Uganda Africa. God called us to work hand in hand with the people of this world to bring light and love. He selected Uganda as his launching pad for so much. We've seen just the tip of ice burg I am sure.

I've always wondered why HE chose Uganda. Why?  Well, I NEVER EVER wanted to travel outside of the USA. But some how God convinced me to go. I was nervous and quite scared that first trip, but I didn't let my pet named, scaredy cat, hold me back :) Anyway, that's a whole other story.

So here I go again for my 20 - 30th plane ride over. I need to look through my passports to see the actual number :) I don't love the journey over, but I do love the place and the people. Mostly because it was once a dream and now it's a functioning reality. It was made possible because first God set it in motion and second because people got together and believed for the impossible.

I always get rejuvenated at Field of Dreams and the dreams of my heart are always stirred up again.

Now onto the job (yes this is a job/career/life long investment) requires me to miss out on some very special moments with my family and friends. I know of many people that sacrifice the same and even more, so I'm not asking for sympathy, I'm just writing the way I feel now. I have my big girl panties on, so don't feel bad for me :)

I don't get to go with my partner in crime, Mike. He went a couple of weeks ago and now it's my turn, BUT I would rather go with him. Wah wah!!

My daughters have given a lot to make Show Mercy possible. They give us parents so much mercy to serve others and help others, when at times, they wish we were with them helping them! Oh the mom's heart in me gets sad at times.

Katelin will be starting school the day I get back from this trip. It's not a big deal in the larger perspective of life, but it is a special day for her and I wish I was there to drop her off, pray with her and touch her hand as she departs into the next season of her life. Her dad will be there, so that will be good.

My mom lost her husband in January and has had some physical health issues. It's a heavy thing, but then I know God is at work.

So, I will focus on the sweet and be thankful for the opportunities that await me! Letting go and Letting God is a discipline I am working on. to packing and marking off my check list.

Prayers are appreciated!

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